We would like to remind our customers that LovaSpintoje.lt values communication, so if you have any questions about bed lifting mechanisms, functionality of furniture, or simply have questions about the operation of raised beds – please call us, write to us, we will try to answer all your questions.
We try to answer within one or two working days, if necessary we can go to the customer without prior agreement.
Raised beds are becoming more and more popular in Lithuania.
More and more families can boast that they have a LovaSpintoje raised bed installed.
As we have already mentioned, a raised bed is a great and good solution for small homes, where the space is almost tripled by installing a raised bed.
You’ll be surprised how little space the BedSpinta takes up, as the raised bed is only 40cm deep from the wall.
Good and reliable lifting mechanisms, professional service and the quality of
‘s work are the main criteria that set us apart from our competitors.